I’ve posted several times about Walmart Savings Catcher. (You can read the initial post here and read the interview I did with the launch team here) I thought you guys would like to see the savings that Savings Catcher caught for me.
In the picture above you can see that I have uploaded 3 receipts so far but I have only gotten the results of 2 so far. Here’s the breakdown of the receipt from this shopping trip.
I know these pics are a little hard to read but here’s basically what it says. Of everything I bought on this receipt I had 3 items that were cheaper somewhere else so they gave me $2.40 as a “Savings Catcher Credit”. It should also be noted that not only did they give me the difference but the also refunded me the extra amount I paid in tax. It was only $.08 but that is a pretty cool little nugget.
They also showed my the items that I saved on by buying them at Walmart. The 3 items listed above are all Cesar dog food. Dollar General had them on sale for $.75 each but they were $.70 at Walmart so I saved $.05 per can by buying them at Walmart.
In just 2 receipts I have already accumulated $2.40 in cashback savings that I can use on my next purchase or I can let this figure accumulate until the end of the year, at which time Walmart will just send whatever I have accumulated to my email whether I request it or not. Anyone thinking this would be an awesome “Christmas Club”? Just let these savings ride until the end of the year and have some bank saved up for a few presents!
Jessica Ortiz
It would be great to save up for black Friday
Aarn Farmer
Yeah, I think that’s how I’m going to use it.
Walmart Shopping Secrets: My Interview With the Walmart Savings Catcher Launch Team - Grocery Shop For FREE at The Mart!!
[…] UPDATE: I got my first Walmart Savings Catcher Rebate […]
Thank You Steve Noviello! - Grocery Shop For FREE at The Mart!!
[…] I’ve got an overview here, and interview with the launch team here, and my first rebate with Walmart Savings Catcher here. Here’s the story in case you missed it. Dallas News | […]