Super Poligrip for $.78!
Tired of your dentures shooting out of your mouth and skittering across the table when you are showing your skill at reciting tongue twisters? Who isn’t?!
Well I’ve got good news for you. Super Poligrip is on sale for $1.78, use the $1.00/1 coupon from RP 8/7 to make it $.78. Everyone will thank you for glueing those things into place.
For more FREE Printable Coupons, visit Grocery Shop for FREE at The Mart!
Not being mean….but where do you live,because I never get any of the coupons for the stuff you post?
Lori » I don’t think you are being mean. I am in DFW, where are you from? I realize some coupons are regional but 80-90% of what I (or any site) post should by generally available. Usually it’s the amounts on a coupon that are different, say a $.50/1 in some areas but a $1.00/2 in other areas.
Im in Georgia, Ive actually only seen maybe 2-3 coupons,& my stores pricing seems to be so different. Maybe my state just Thanks for what you do though, its interesting.
Lori » The pricing shouldn’t be very different. I’ve been in Walmarts all over Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, California and a few other places and the differences have been pennies if anything. I guess if this is the case you should pay more attention to the printable coupons. Sorry!