Mr. Clean Magic Erasers for $.99 and more!
Albertson’s started a very nice P&G sale yesterday with some great price matching opportunities. You will need to buy 4 items but you can mix and match. Check the Albertson’s Price Matching list that will be out later tonight for everything but here are a few highlights.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser – Normally $1.97, on sale for $.99
Old Spice or Gillette Body Wash – Normally $3.97, on sale for $1.99
Head and Shoulders Shampoo or Conditioner – Normally $2.99, on sale for $2.99
Puffs Tissues 124ct Ultra or 200ct Basic – Normally $2.12, on sale for $.69
And that’s not everything, keep an eye here later for the full list. (It will be much later though, taking the family out to see the new Mission: Impossible movie. Can’t wait!)
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