Today and Tomorow ONLY: 3 Boxes of Hamburger Helper and a Pound of Hamburger Meat Just $1.20 at Walmart!
Dollar General has a 3 day sale running Thursday through Saturday, April 16-18 on Hamburger Helper. Pair it up with this Mail In Rebate for a FREE pound of hamburger meat.
Hamburger Helper is $1.50 at Walmart but this Thursday through Saturday you can ad match Dollar General to $.90 a box (Or you can PM Albertson’s to $.99 through next Tuesday)
Use the Mail In Rebate for a FREE pound of hamburger meat when you buy 3 boxes of Hamburger Helper AND use 3 of the $.50/1 coupon for Hamburger Helper from SS 3/1
Final: $1.20 for 3 boxes and a pound of meat
Looking for more FREEbies? Click Here!