Since starting this blog I have been contacted by readers many times with questions about couponing, Frugal Living, Walmart’s policies and procedures, and various other little things. I figure if one person is wondering about it, there might be others so this will be an on-going feature to answer the most common questions that come up. If you have a question, please check out the master list of Ask A Walmart Expert articles to see if your answer is there already or contact me and I’ll do what I can to help you out.
What Stores Will Walmart Price Match?
Sometimes I get asked a question so basic that I am a little surprised I haven’t actually covered it. This post should have happened a long time ago.
Walmart will ad match any local competitor.
That’s pretty much it. If there is a store around your Walmart that sells a product that Walmart carries and it’s in a written ad for less than what Walmart is selling it for, you can ad match it. There is no set mile limit to what makes “local” competitor but a good rule of thumb is within an hour’s drive. (More about that here.)
Occasionally you guys write to me telling me about a store manager that refuses an ad match. Sometimes they say that a certain store isn’t a “competitor”. Like Walmart doesn’t consider CVS or Walgreen’s a competitor or something. If that happens to you, call 800-WALMART and pitch a fit.
Sometimes they will say a store isn’t “local”. This is a little harder to fight against because the rules are so vague but it still wouldn’t hurt to try to fight.
Hope that helps! Don’t forget about the Walmart Savings Catcher program also if you are lucky enough to live in one of the Beta test areas.