Current Albertson’s Price Matches

image Here’s the best Price Match opportunities from the Albertson’s Ad.  We have changed the format to bring you more savings, now you can sign up at The Price Match Report to get a full price match list customized for your area delivered to you every week.  Here is a short post detailing why we made the change and you can go here to get a FREE trial membership.  So far everyone who has used this new system loves it and is saving much more money than with the old way.  If your town isn’t listed, sign up for the National lists to get all the National stores delivered to you and please contact me with any questions.  Here’s how to Ad Match at Walmart.  Here’s to saving even more money by Ad Matching at Walmart!



UPDATE:  Due to Walmart phasing out Ad Matching across the country, we will no longer be creating Ad Matching lists.

11/30 List Highlights


Skippy Peanut Butter 15-16.3oz

Retail price: $3.99
Sale price: $1.49
Final price: $1.49
You saved: $2.50 (63%)

Lindsay Olives 2.25-6oz
Retail price: $1.72
Sale price: $1.25
Final price: $0.75
You saved: $0.97 (56%)

Libbys Canned Vegetables 14.5-15oz

Retail price: $0.75
Sale price: $0.39
Final price: $0.39
You saved: $0.36 (48%)

Totinos Party Pizza
$1/4 (SS 10/9)
Retail price: $1.38
Sale price: $0.99
Final price: $0.74
You saved: $0.64 (46%)

Coca Cola, Dr Pepper, or Pepsi 12pk cans

Retail price: $3.99
Sale price: $3.33
Final price: $3.33
You saved: $0.66 (17%)



  1. These prices must reflect a different region because these are not our prices in Wyoming. I guess we miss out on alot of things up here.


    1. Aarn Farmer says:

      is it the Albertson’s or Walmart prices that are different?

  2. this was really helpful!!! thank you.

    1. Aarn Farmer says:

      So glad I could help!

  3. Hey Aarn,

    Why don’t you do the PM list for the stores like El Rancho, Cost Plus, El Ahorro…etc? Is it just a time issue, or is there a reason in particular you choose not to list those except for when you show what you bought.

    1. Aarn Farmer says:

      It’s a time versus usefulness issue. It would take several hours to do and only people near me would find it useful. There is another blogger that is doing my HEB lists that has takes about possibly starting to cover those but nothing is definite yet. If that happens, I’ll be sure to make a big deal out of it so you will see it. Thanks though!

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