2015 Walmart Back to School Backpacks Roundup!
It’s Back to School time and Walmart has got the deals for you! We’ve already posted all the great Walmart Back to School Deals here but I know many of you want to know about the backpacks also. Well here is a quick look at what Walmart has to offer and how much you can expect to pay. You can also buy them online if you prefer.
These are Elementary School age backpacks for $3.97.
That’s a clear plastic backpack that some schools require for security concerns for $9.88.
A few more at the $9.88 price point
Some Eastsport brand backpacks for $14.88.
A few more varieties of the Eastsport backpacks at $14.88
Some Disney themed backpacks for $12.88
Marvel and DC Superhero Backpacks for $12.88
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mario brand backpacks for $9.88
2 more varieties at $6.88
Lot’s to choose from at $6.88
Lunchpails for $8.92 with the TMNT
Non-Branded lunchpails for $7.83
A girl’s lunchbox for $6.47
Basic lunchbox for $3.48
Russell Backpack for $18.88 and a Sharper Image one for $29.88
More Russell’s for $18.88
Russell Duffle Bag for $18.88
Skullcandy backpack for $18.88
This is a backpack full of school supplies for $16.58
Here’s a closeup of the included supplies. Seems like a pretty good deal!
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